František Ignác Antonín Tůma

A thematic catalogue of his works (TumW)


Wolfgang Esser-Skala


2024-06-30 (v0.3.0)


This website contains an evolving thematic catalogue of František Ignác Antonín Tůma’s works.


This catalogue is work-in-progress and likely contains errors or duplicate entries. Its contents are subject to change as we screen more and more manuscripts.

For general and biographical information on Werner, see Poštolka (2001) and Slavický (2006).


We classify Tůma’s works as Vocal music (groups A to I) and instrumental music (groups J to M); moreover, an appendix contains spurious and uncertain attributions (group Z). Groups A, C, D, and F are further divided into subgroups to provide a more fine-grained classification and to preserve work numbering if further works are discovered. The catalogue also cites lost works whose existence has been sufficiently proven.

Vocal music comprises

  • A. Masses
    1. pure a capella style
    2. free a capella style
    3. modern style
    4. lost works
    5. spurious works
  • B. Requiems
  • C. Short liturgical works
    1. Graduals
    2. Hymns
    3. Motets
    4. Offertories
  • D. Vespers
    1. Complete vespers
    2. Psalms
    3. Magnificats
  • E. Responsories
  • F. Marian antiphons
    1. Alma redemptoris mater
    2. Ave regina coelorum
    3. Salve regina
  • G. Sequences
  • H. Litanies
  • I. Miscellaneous vocal works

Instrumental music comprises

  • J. Sonatas
  • K. Sinfonias
  • L. Partitas
  • M. Miscellaneous instrumental works

Currently, the catalogue contains the following information for each work:

  • title
  • sources (linked to the respective RISM entry), and
  • one preliminary incipit (i.e., the first incipit of the first source with RISM entry).

For an increasing number of works, detailed metadata in MEI format (Music Encoding Initiative, 2023) is available.

Works in the catalogue should be cited by the abbreviation “TumW”, followed by the group, subgroup (if applicable), and work number; the latter three components should be separated by a period.



We consulted the following sources, of which some contain partial catalogues of Werner’s works:

  • Vogg (1951) – works known around 1950
  • Peschek (1956) – masses known in the 1950s
  • Klinka (1975) – vocal works, including practical editions of several motets
  • Eitner (1903) – sources known around 1900
  • Riedel (1979) – works in the Göttweig Abbey archive


The work list assembled from these sources (data/catalogue_works.csv) was checked against and supplemented by RISM entries. To this end, entries were downloaded via sru-downloader on 2024-05-26, yielding 309 entries. In the resulting XML file, all tags in the zs namespace were removed, yielding the XML file data/rism_entries.xml, which only contains MarcXML tags:

java -jar SRUDownloader.jar ",+Franti%C5%A1ek+Ign%C3%A1c%22&maximumRecords=100"
grep -v "<zs:" output.xml | \
  grep -v "</zs:" | \
  grep -v "<marc:collection" | \
  grep -v "</marc:collection" | \
  sed '1 a\<marc:collection xmlns:marc="">' | \
  sed '$ a\</marc:collection>' \
  > rism_entries.xml
rm output.xml

From this file, searchable HTML tables were created via script/ and make_rism_tables.R and stored in data_generated/rism_tables/.

Pages for all groups of works were generated automatically from catalogue_overview.csv and catalogue_works.csv. If manually curated incipits were unavailable for a work, the first incipit of the first source with a RISM entry was included. Data from the RISM Catalogue (e.g., Plaine & Easie Code for incipits) by the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 3.0 Unported License.

Detailed work metadata was edited with MerMEId v2.0. Incipits were either prepared with MuseScore, polished with mei-friend, and rendered with Verovio, or created with LilyPond and EES Tools. HTML and XML files were exported from MerMEId and post-processed. These pages are rendered using the BravuraText font v1.392 and Verovio.

Data and code availability

Datasets and code used for preparing this catalogue are available from GitHub.


Eitner, R. (1903). Biographisch-Bibliographisches Quellenlexikon der Musiker und Musikgelehrten der christlichen Zeitrechnung bis zur Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (Vol. 9). Breitkopf & Haertel, Leipzig.
Klinka, T. M. (1975). The choral music of Franz Ignaz Tuma with a practical edition of selected choral works (PhD thesis). The University of Iowa.
Music Encoding Initiative. (2023). MEI guidelines (5.0). Retrieved from
Peschek, A. (1956). Die Messen von Franz Tuma (1704–1744) (PhD thesis). Universität Wien.
Poštolka, M. (2001). Tůma, František Ignác Antonín.
Riedel, F. W. (1979). Der Göttweiger thematische Katalog von 1830. Band 1: Faksimile der Originalhandschrift. Band 2: Historisch-quellenkundliche Bemerkungen, Kommentar und Register. Katzbichler, München–Salzburg.
Slavický, T. (2006). Tůma, František Ignác Antonín. Retrieved from MGG Online website:
Vogg, H. (1951). Franz Tuma (1704–1744) als Instrumentalkomponist nebst Beiträgen zur Wiener Musikgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts (PhD thesis). Universität Wien.


Do you work on a similar catalogue? Would like to team up or support the project? Feel free to reach out to me via email!

Disclosure (§25 Mediengesetz)
This website is privately provided and maintained by Wolfgang Esser-Skala, Wolfgangseestraße 31g, 5023 Koppl.